List of students of SPbCU who defended their master’s thesis:

Schmidt, Alexander "Subject ??? in the book Ruth", 2009.

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Tyutyunnik Svyatoslav V. "Theology and Practice of assembly of Christians in the New Testament and early Christian literature (as a model for evangelical Christians directions of Russia in XXI century", 2007. Supervisor: AlexanderNegrov (PhD)


The thesis discusses the practice of general meetings of the first Christians and the theological justification for this practice. The author is convinced that the general assembly of believers – is a necessity, the need of the soul born-again Christian, as a model for the assembly served as a synagogue assembly instructions of Jesus and the apostles. In addition to exegetical study, work also addresses the writings of early church fathers and church historians. Expanding the theme, the author seeks to answer the following questions: why the early Christians gathered together? What made them come together: fear, need, or an example of the commandment of the Lord of other religions? And also search the theological foundations of religious behavior at meetings and recreation model assembly of the first Christians.

Evgeny, Knyazev. "Exegesis of Matthew 28:16-20 in the context of the community of evangelical Christians today's Russia", 2007. Supervisor: Dadochkin Aleksey V. (MTh)


In this paper the author proves the thesis that “evangelical Christians of modern Russia should boldly bear the good news … relying on the promise of Jesus to fully cooperate with … ” In this study includes exegetics Mt.28 :16-20, comprehension instruction of Jesus to the positions of the Evangelical Theology, sociology, cultural studies and political science, and also made a comparison of synoptic material and review of existing interpretations on the analyzed fragment. Research is conducted on the basis of historical-grammatical method. The paper contains four main sections: a) the exegetical analysis of the text, b) humanitarian research assignments Jesus matheteusate panta ta ethne: sociocultural and political aspects, c) order matheteusate panta ta ethne in the synoptic tradition, and d) the interpretation and application of a passage in history, beginning with Acts St. Apostles. The author expresses his confidence that the results of the exegetical work will be needed modern evangelical community of Russia.

Liudmila Sokolova "Peculiarities of the Marxist-Leninist biblical hermeneutics, 2006. Supervisor: Alexander Negrov (PhD)


This study examines the main trends of Marxist-Leninist biblical hermeneutics in the years 1917-90. This period is characterized by certain stages of development in policy and ideology of the country, and the biblical hermeneutics at this time is not enough investigated. The author sees the relevance of the analysis, especially in the study of the actual specifics of the problem, its identity, originality, degree of exploration and scientific validity. Biblical hermeneutic analysis of this period was associated with historical-critical methods of biblical overseas, as well as with the biblical criticism of atheistic directions. As a result of scientific analysis was brought to a low degree of historical reductionism, and the study of biblical texts solely for ideological purposes has led to bias and loss of scientific objectivity. Overall, the work aims to show the complexity and ambiguity of the phenomenon being studied as a socio-historical and a theological point of view.

Makarenko, Ivan Ivanovich "The main issues of biblical hermeneutics to theological IV Kargelya", 2006. Supervisor: Alexander Negrov (PhD)

Abstract  Theme Biblical Hermeneutics of Evangelical Christians in Russia is still insufficiently explored. In particular, we are not published in Russia exegetical studies of Kargel I.V. (1849-1937), preacher and pastor, missionary, St. Petersburg evangelical church. The purpose of this study – to identify and analyze key hermeneutical principles that apply in the interpretation of the Bible Kargel. The work consists of two main sections. The first part describes his life and ministry, as well as being an attempt to understand the worldview Kargelya and theological beliefs, which could determine his hermeneutic principles. This section provides a brief analysis of all available articles and his work. The second part draws attention to the assumptions, prejudices, exegetical principles and methods used Kargelem when interpreting the Bible. In this paper, the author points out the difficulties he faced in studying this topic, namely, the fragmentation and inconsistency of information both about the Kargele Ivan and his theological works.

Opalev, Alexey. "Lexical-theological analysis of the paradigmatic series" telos "in the traditional letters Pref. Paul and analysis of its transmission in modern Russian translations of the New Testament", 2006. Supervisor: Dadochkin Aleksey V. (MTh)


The object of investigation in the paper the concept of telos in traditional letters of the Apostle Paul, due to the fact that this word is highly-valued, and the correct choice of value depends on the theology of the concept. In this paper, the author sets the following objectives: – Determine the semantic meaning of concepts referred to by a number of paradigmatic telos in traditional letters Pref. Paul; – Identify and typify the theological significance of these concepts; – A comparative analysis of the series in modern Russian translations NC and give their evaluation; – Propose recommendations for the transfer of the studied series on the Russian language. As regard the Russian translation, the author elects: Word of Life. The New Testament in modern translation (1991); glad tidings (2000); Bible for our lives (1999) and Recovery translation NC (1998). Widespread popularity of these translations for Russian-speaking reader the basis for electing them as the analysis.

Kazansky, Viktor. "Interpretation of the expression" mias gunaikos andras "in the Pastoral Epistles and the practice of ordination in the churches of the Reformation master's north-west Russia", 2006. Supervisor: Dadochkin Aleksey V. (MTh)


The work focuses on a comprehensive analysis of the expression “mias gunaikos andras” used in 1Tim.3: 2, 12; Tit.1: 6, as well as understanding the practice of interpretation of this phrase in the selection of candidates for ordination in the churches of the Reformation master (Reformed Presbyterian) north- west Russia. The author sees the value of the work that first, this expression still does not have a single interpretation, and secondly, the demographic situation in Russia today and its impact on the local churches encourage the church once again reflect on the principles enshrined in the text. The work consists of 4 chapters. The first chapter reveals the determination of value of the test expression on the basis of exegetical analysis of the text. The second chapter addresses issues related to the history of the interpretation of the test expression in the early church and the canon law of the Russian Orthodox Church. The third chapter is dedicated to the practice of ordination in the modern master churches north-west Russia, which are not devoid of certain difficulties. In the last chapter the author gives some recommendations from the perspective of the biblical text on the ordination of ministers had in the past broken family relationships. The author hopes that this study will help church leaders develop a master Reformation position regarding the ordination of divorced and re-married candidates for church office.

Antonenko, Victoria Y. "Christ as a healer and attitude towards healing evangelical Christians of southern Russia", 2005. Supervisor: Roy Christians. (PhD)


This paper contains an analysis of evangelical healing in connection with the personality and teachings of Jesus Christ on the basis of the above four Evangelists. The paper also assesses the approach to healing among Evangelical Christians-Baptists of Southern Russia. This emphasis by the need to show a picture of the dominant views of evangelical believers. In this regard, an analysis of data obtained through the survey. In the approach to healing, the author considers only the therapeutic healing, not taking into account the cases of exorcism.

Ruzhina, Nadezhda. "Theology of Psalm 22 and the experience of its understanding of the Russian evangelical Christians and Baptists in the 20th Century", 2004. Supervisor: Kashovskaya Natalia V.


The aim of the thesis is to identify the sources of theology in Psalm 22 and experience of its reflection Russian Evangelical Christian Baptists in the 20th century. The author refers to the analysis and reconstruction of historical and linguistic traditions of Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations, but also compares the emphasis of key concepts in two different versions of a world view: a polytheistic (Egyptian and Mesopotamian tradition) and the monotheistic (ancient Hebrew tradition). The paper analyzes the work of the Ancient Near East, containing the ideas of “pastoral” and “hospitality”. This psalm was perceived differently in Russia 20th century than at the time of its writing, so the analysis of cultural and religious backgrounds Evangelical Christian Baptist Russia. This lets us understand the context in which were formed the theological premise perception Psalm 22. The author concludes that the phrase “the Lord – my shepherd” must be understood in the light of Ps.22: 4v – “You are with me.” This phrase indicates that the psalmist had a very close relationship with God. Thus, if a man gives his heart to God in the voluntary obedience, he was in no way will need in this life, except the constant presence of the Lord (YHWH), which is the sole source of normal life.

Voskresensky, Alexey. "Grace" as an established theological term in the Russian language and analysis of disuse, the words "grace" in a modern translation of the New Testament "good news" when translating the Greek word "charis" in Romans", 2003. Supervisor: Roy Christians. (PhD)


The destruction of the integrity of important religious concepts (standing for the word charis) and send it in different words to translate PB caused to proceed to the study of the topic. Thus, the author has set itself the following objectives: – To describe the theological concept of charis in his epistle to the Romans on the basis of exegetical study; – Provide the etymology of the word “grace” in Russian; – Trace the use of the word “grace” in the Slavic-Russian literature; – A comparative analysis and to evaluate the transfer of charis in the translation of “glad tidings” – Based on research to make specific proposals for the transfer of charis in subsequent translations NZ into Russian. The author of the thesis concludes that the word “grace” is a well-established theological term in the Russian language, which contains in itself important for the Russian-speaking Christian concepts. So, do not use that term, read the New Testament which would impoverish the essence of many evangelical doctrine, distorting the evangelical theology in the post-Soviet space as a result of the wide use of modern ferry NC “good news”.

Alekseev, Roman. "Theological study the concept of" Church - the body of Christ "in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 and its application in the issue of unity among and within the church relations among evangelical believers in Russia", 2002. Supervisor: Alexander Negrov (PhD).

Abstract  The author of this paper investigates the theological concept of the Church as the body of Christ according 1Cor.12 :12-27 and also shows the possible values for the evangelical church in Russia. For the importance of this subject the author draws on the basis of interviews with contemporary leaders of evangelical churches and a brief analysis of recent theological studies. We put the emphasis on understanding the origin of the “body of Christ” as a mystical existence of believers in Christ. Review of the historical context of the Corinthians shows that the Corinthians did not understand the essence of being a new relationship with Christ, because they lived according to the principles of their society and falsely represented the eschatological dimension. Exegetical study 1Cor.12 :12-27 and other texts from the Pauline epistles, in which there is the concept of the Body of Christ, shows that Pref. Paul, the Church is the essence of Christ, different from this world. The Holy Spirit is the source of unity, and the believers who use their gifts for each other, along with their concern for each other, are responsible for the maintenance of this unity. The author concludes that the gifts in the body are used to serve the whole body. Also, members of the body should not focus on the need for only one gift, but to recognize the need for participation of each member for the growth of the church. Application of these principles in the life of evangelical churches in Russia can help strengthen relationships in the community and as a result contribute to its greater growth.

Tolmachev, Ivan Sergeyevich "Appointment and role of the Day of Atonement" Yom Kippur "in the law of Moses (Leviticus 16, Ch.): Exegetical and theological study", 2002. Supervisor: Garth Moller (PhD).


In his thesis the author explores the Day of Atonement in Leviticus. The term “redemption” is very important because it explains the principal value of God’s salvation. This word is very well known in the Christian church, but for some reason, it is interpreted in theology is very diverse. From the perspective of Jewish linguistics and the immediate context by conducting exegetical and theological study, which helps to find the original meaning of atonement in Leviticus. The work consists of two main sections. The first part carries the lexical analysis of keywords that help to understand the cause and significance of service in the tabernacle, and describe the various aspects of cult practices, whose main objective, to propitiate God and to restore the relationship with Him. In the second part the author makes a theological analysis on the basis of exegesis, which shows two aspects of atonement. The first – a ritual purification. God – holy and He does not dwell in a place that is unclean. His people should reflect its purity in every aspect of their lives. A second purification – internal or moral. In conclusion, the author shows the value of this applied research and the correct value of redemption. If God is holy, it means that His people should reflect His holiness and the spiritual and ritual life.

Dadochkin, Aleksey V. "The theological concept of the formula" in Christ "and compared it to a modern Russian translations of the New Testament", 2002. Supervisor: Alexander Negrov (PhD).


This work focuses on the study of the expression “en Christo” in the messages of Apostle Paul. Taking into account experience already gained by the theological, the author explores the use of formula in Paul and examines how this expression is translated into the most popular Russian translations of the New Testament. The work consists of two main sections. In the first part being exegetical study of expression, where the grammatical level, the formula is, at least four positions: adjectival, predicate, object and adverbial. As a result, exegesis, the author concludes the theological value of the formula in the Pauline epistles, and shows a mystical quality, ethical, instrumental and descriptive aspects. As a result, it is concluded that the formula works polysemantics and Paul uses it as the only appropriate term to express different aspects of his theology. The second part contains a comparative analysis of how “in Christ” was translated into four most popular Russian translations NC. The paper emphasizes that the translators faced with certain difficulties in the transfer of ideas “in Christ”, which found them to be quite correct and incorrect equivalents. In the end, the author offers his own variations on the translation of this phrase, decorated in a table, which could be useful for subsequent Russian translations of the New Testament. The formula “in Christ” is a very important expression of theology of Apostle Paul, so it should be transferred to another language carefully.

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