Fundamental Goal

The masters program prepares its graduates for teaching in biblical colleges, seminaries, and other academic institutions of various confessions in Russia and countries of the former Soviet Union. The programs prepare evangelical theologians and apologists of faith which are capable of developing national theology, inspiring Christian congregations and promote positive changes in churches and society.

The Distinctive Features of the Program

  •   a program of high standards
  • no confessional preferences
  • a program directed in research
  • a goal-oriented approach to studying academic disciplines
  • the writing of research papers

The Qualifying Characteristics of a Graduate with a Masters of Theology

A graduate of the masters program at SPbCU must have and demonstrate the following characteristics:

  • The knowledge of the object of research ; applying the received skills in academic and practical activity
  •  Cognitive skills: the ability to analyze and critically evaluate the received knowledge is the last achievement of learning
  • Professional skills: the ability to interpret knowledge and defend a biblical point of view in the church and society
  • An integrated approach towards society in the areas of personal life, intellectual development and social activeness and the progression of communication skills.

The Awarded Qualification

Upon finishing education in this program the following qualifications are possible:

  •  A degree of a Master of Theology (180 credit hours)
  •  A diploma (120 credit hours)
  • A certificate

The Form and Duration of Education

Form of education: Biblical Studies — (4-5 years); History of Christianity (4-5 years).

Language of instruction and writing of the dissertation: Russian.

A distinctive feature of this program is the education focused on research. Teaching is conducted in the form of seminar sessions and examinations once a semester and individual consultations with professors.

Training as a specialist in Biblical Studies offers work with the Biblical texts in the original language. Students which haven’t previously studied ancient Biblical languages will be required to learn the grammar of ancient Hebrew and ancient Greek in intensive courses offered before or during their education.

The students with the avarage mark 65%+, and also those whose thesis was marked 65%+, can apply the research degree in the University of Pretoria  (RSA) (the thesis must be translated into English).


Contents of the Masters of Theology Program

Comment: For the assessment of academic weight the «academic credit» is the measurement unit. One academic credit is equal to 10 class hours. The distribution of individual work and lecture hours of each program are established individually.

Specializing in Biblical Studies (Old or New Testament):
Disciplines                                                                                       Credits

Research Methods for Theologians                                               10
Bible, Culture, Ethics                                                                        20
Biblical Hermeneutics                                                                      30
Exegetics and Theology O.T/N.T 1                                                 30
Exegetics and Theology O.T. /N.T. 2                                             30
Dissertation                                                                                         60
Total: 180 credits

Specializing in Church History:
Disciplines                                                                                      Credits 

Research Methods for Historians                                                  10
Bible, Culture, Ethics                                                                        20
Patristics                                                                                              10
History of Early and Medieval Christianity                                  20
History of Christianity Post-Reformation                                    30
History of Christianity in Russia                                                    30
Dissertation                                                                                        60
Total: 180 Credits

Terms for Applying

Conditions for Applicants:

  • Accepted upon the following education:

— Graduates of SPbCU’s Bachelor of Theology program

— Graduates of Universities accredited by University of Wales ; other higher education graduates

  • No less than 2 years of Christian Ministry

All applicants must pass entrance exams and are interviewed. Acceptance is based on the results of the interview and entrance exams.
There are no confessional preferences.
Entrance Exams («Biblical Studies»):
1. English (Theological) Language
2. Assessment of knowledge of the Scriptures
Entrance Exams («History of Christianity»):
1. An interview on the knowledge of the History of Christianity
2. General Education Test
Applications are accepted until October 12th. Entrance exams are held during the year at SPbCU campus.

Costs: Tuition and Housing:

Students pay 24,000 rubles a year (for 3 years) and the last year for writing a dissertation the cost is 20,000 rubles. The dorm rates are 900 rubles per bed/night during the academic week.

Costs for International Students:

Students pay 48,000 rubles a year (for 3 years) and the last year for writing a dissertation the cost is 40,000 rubles. The dorm rates are 1,400 rubles per bed/night during the academic week.

International students and members of their families must have international passports.

Applying for a visa and registration:

  • Applying for an invitation: 350 rubles
  • To be put on immigration record (registration): 200 rubles
  • Certificate of AIDS (for on-site students): 250 rubles

Medical Aid: all students must have medical insurance

The application packet is sent via email after the petition of the applicant. For further questions contact the administrator, Maria Karyakina:
Tel.: (812) 747-25-47
Fax: (812) 747-26-47
Narvsky Pr., 13B, PO BOX 211,
Saint Petersburg, 190020