St. Petersburg Christian University: 30 Years of History

The book can be purchased at the University: Narvskiy Ave. 13Б, St. Petersburg

Monday through Friday 9:00-17:00 or ordered by contacting Elisaveta Kulaeva WhatsApp: 8-951-662-85-40 Email:

Price: 550 rubles



In December of 2020 a new book entitled St. Petersburg Christian University: 30 Years of History (edited by Valerii Alikin and Tatiana Nikolskaya) was published by SPbCU Press.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


It tells about one of the first Protestant educational institutions in modern Russia which was founded in 1990. Many Christians remember it under the name “Logos”. The contributors to this book are direct participants in the events, people who stood at the origins of the university, studied, and worked there both before or continuing to this day. St. Petersburg Christian University is known not only for its high level of theological education, but also for its active participation in church, missionary, cultural, educational, and scientific projects. Without exaggeration, the university can be called the largest Protestant educational center in Russia and one of the leading Protestant research centers in Eastern Europe.




Candidate of Historical Sciences (PhD)



The first part of this book describes how the university was founded, the history of its move from Belorechensk (Krasnodar region) to St. Petersburg, and the subsequent stages of its life and activities. The second part is devoted to various aspects of the school’s activities over the past 10 years (2010-2020), the development of educational programs, scholarly and publishing activities, trips to Biblical countries, and even the “restructuring” of the university’s work during the coronavirus pandemic. The third part of the book contains fascinating testimonies of graduates from across the years, a list of graduates from the past 10 years, and a tab with photos reflecting past history and current life at the university.




The book is recommended to those who are in any way connected with the history and life of the university, as well as specialists interested in the development of theological education and historical and contemporary Christianity in Russia, especially Russian Protestantism. In addition, the book will be useful to anyone who wants to learn more about St. Petersburg Christian University, including young Christians who are making decisions about the paths they will take in life.